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Recover Together Recover Stronger

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Judul : Recover Together Recover Stronger
Penulis : Bunyan Saptomo, dkk
Penerbit : Perpusnas Press
ISBN : 978-623-313-498-9
e-ISBN : 978-623-313-503-0
Halaman : 273
Tahun Terbit : 2022
Penyunting : Yanuardi S, Anisah S, Sitta R
Tata Letak : Helfi Tristeawan
Desain Cover : Andhika Wira UN, Helfi Tristeawan
Abstrak : This book started with a zoom meeting by Rumah Produktif Indonesia and the National Library of Indonesia Press. The meeting resulted an agreement for creating a book publishing project related to the G20. The various articles in this book are ideas collected from the Indonesian people on topics ranging from global politics to education. With enthusiasm for contributing to the G20, they searched for data, compiled it, wrote it down, and sent it to the editor. As editors, we read and provide input for later revision. After being revised, the manuscript will be reviewed again to get the final version of the manuscript. The collaboration between the National Library of Indonesia and the Rumah Produktif Indonesia (RPI) has been carried out in several book publications and events. RPI's initiative to publish books at the National Library of Indonesia is a good and important initiative in our efforts to help the birth of new writers, as well as a synergy between writers and a contribution to produce reading material for our readers in Indonesia.